A two-year-old girl in Zhejiang, China, was rushed to the emergency room to receive treatments after vomiting blood.

The doctors have revealed that the little girl is suffering from a severe ulcer. But then, are you wondering how Dolly, the 2-year-old girl was infected with an ulcer that caused her to vomit blood? It was impossible that the main cause of her ulcer was too much alcoholic beverage, coffee or smoking because she's only 2 years old.

It turns out that the infection was from her grandmother who admits chewing the foods first before letting the little girl eat it.

Because of what the grandmother of the baby was doing, Dolly was diagnosed with  Helicobacter pylori, one of the worst bacteria that could live in the body of a person.

 The whole family of Dolly underwent a test only to find out that the same bacteria is living inside her grandmother who often chews her food.

And so, the doctors concluded that the bacteria was transferred through the chewing of the food.


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