“Travel brings power and love back to your life”, one of the best travel quotes which inspires many people to dare to get out of their comfort zone in order to explore and learn more about life. Among millions people all around the world, there are always those who are so into going to many new different places. Youth time proudly introduces you an amazing trip lover, who is the owner of a newly-created but wonderful Facebook page” Trach Chaa”. Let’s find out how his travel experience is like:

Mr. Borei Sylyvann, 30 years old, finished Bachelor Degree in Media and Communication. He was also one of the winners of a Fulbright scholarship to study in the U.S. in 2010 and graduated with the Master Degree in Communication and Development Studies. Regarding working experience, he has had six-year experiences working as communication specialists for various local and international NGOs. Nowadays he is working as a freelance communication consultant.

Among the trips he has ever had so far, the first memorable trip was when he visited Siem Reap for the every first time with his family in 1995 by speedboat; it was an exciting journey as they traveled up the Tonle Sap River and Tonle Sap Lake. Back then, Siem Reap was a very quiet town, but he loves it that way. He also really enjoyed the tranquility of this laid-back town and visiting temples was not as hectic as nowadays. Angkor Wat temple is beautiful, and the amazing feeling of setting his foot inside the temple complex for the first time is unforgettable.

Talking about the places he always wants to visit, he enthusiastically replied “Well there are actually too many places that I really wanted to visit since I was young. I have started to tick them off the list now. Because I had learned about France both languages and wonderful places located in this country particularly Paris, the Eiffel Tower. I always dreamed of visiting this city and I made it in 2007 and got to see many nice places in the city. I also fell in love with an animated film named “The Little Mermaid”, which demonstrated the most beautiful value of love. There is “The Little Mermaid” statue made and displayed on the rock by the waterside at the Langelinie promenade in Copenhagen, Denmark. So it was always my dream to visit Copenhagen to see this heart-touching-story inspired sculpture. I did it as well in 2007. I always wanted to visit Nepal, as I am really interested in the beautiful and rich culture and those beautiful mountains in Nepal. I love trekking, so Nepal is the destination that I will never miss. I trekked to Poon Hill in Nepal in November 2014, and I plan to visit this country and do more trekking again.”

The impressive travel experience of his mentioned above and many others more might evoke your doubt how does travel actually mean to him. Here is his worth-sharing answer “Traveling is a part of my life-learning process, self-exploration and reflection. Traveling is definitely enriching, both physically and mentally! Through traveling, I personally believe that we can as well harvest a wealth of knowledge, experiences and wisdom. There are always new things for us to learn, to experience and most important of all to understand:
the people, the culture, the customs and the food.”

Personally, He would suggest diversifying the traveling experiences by always doing different things. Sometime, he would find himself end up traveling in big cities, there he could learn about urban planning, modern architectures, arts etc… Some
time he would choose to visit temples, historical parks; there he can relax more, find peace of mind, and learn about history and amazing ancient architectures. occationllay, he would prefer to travel in the wild and nature. There is no hustle, he just simply takes his time and appreciates nature such as mountains, forests, waterfalls, oceans and islands. Different choices of traveling destination generate different experiences and knowledge; so he believes it is very important to experience them all.
Mr. Sylyvann also mentioned the importance of being a responsible tourist and traveler as he said that everyone needs to understand the customs, tradition and culture of each country that they are visiting and abide by it accordingly. Also, they should definitely respect the local people and local practices.
Click like “Trach Chaa” on Facebook to find out how much fun are his trips...

Mr. Borei Sylyvann “I hope young people will travel more often and love the nature more. Learn new things, come back and share your stories with the world and your community.”


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