Going on trip with groups of people can be friends, colleagues, family members? Instead of just sitting at the place enjoying chit chatting while eating and drinking, you should not let this rare but fun reunion pass by without any memorable moments together. One method to keep your companionship stronger and closer is to play team building games. A team that works well together is more effective, more productive, and more successful not to mention happier and more fun to work with! But establishing and developing those bonds can be tricky, especially when typical team building activities tend to induce more eye rolls among teammates than high-fives. Here are a few games you can consider playing:

- A Truth and A Lie
For: Learning more from one another What you’ll need: No materials needed, but skills
Instructions: Have each member introduce themselves by stating their name plus one truth about themselves and one lie. After each person makes their statements, allow for a quick open conversation where everyone questions each other on their two statements. The idea is to convince the other members that your lie is actually a truth, while guessing the truths/lies of the others. After the questioning period, vote as a group on each member’s statements. Points are awarded for each lie guessed right or for stumping other members on your own lie. This exercise helps to get to know your coworkers better and encourages group interaction and communication. (Optional: Increase the difficulty by having 2 truths and 1 lie, or 2 lies and 1 truth. Remove the open conversation segment if time is constrained)

- Spider Web
For: Creative Problem Solving & Collaboration Skills What You’ll Need: String and tape
Instructions: Tape two pieces of string across a doorway, one at about three-and-a-half feet and the other around five feet. This string is the poisonous spider web. Teams must get all their members through the opening between the strings without touching it. Increase the difficulty by taping more pieces of string across the doorway.

- Salt and Pepper 
For: Communication Skills What You’ll Need: Tape, a pen, a small piece of paper for each person, and a list of well-known pairs (think peanut butter and jelly, Mario and Luigi, or salt and pepper).
Instructions: Write one half of each pair on the sheets of paper (Mario on one piece, Luigi on another, and so on). Tape one paper to each person’s back, then have everyone mingle and try to figure out the word on their back.
The rule: they can only ask each other yes or no questions. Once they figure out their word, they need to find the other half of their pair. When they find each other, have them sit down and find three things they have in common while the rest of the team continues.

- Community Service
For: Team Bonding & Icebreakers What You’ll Need: A few hours out of the workday
Instructions: Participate in Adopt-a-Family programs during the holidays, organize a beach clean up, take on a community beautification project — find an activity that appeals to your team or reflects your company values, get out of the office, and do some good for your community and your team.


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